Sunday, 2 August 2009


I have to admit that I am not a big fan of Friday's prayers. I have stopped praying Friday's a while after I arrived to the UK. First time, I sat reading Quran and a bearded Mullah approached me. He started preaching about the importance of choosing Muslim friends "especially" as we are living in a Western society with all its "seductions". I seriously couldn't stand it and if it wasn't for my first time I would have burst in his face. I managed to hold my nerves but I showed him my resentment. He halted his talks while inviting me for Islamic lessons held in the mosque after noticing my discomfort.

The second time I attended, the trend of the Imam's speeches about the ages of the companions and their assumed perfectionism continued. I was particularly shocked by the way the Imam's presented the concept of equality in Islam. An example, a Sahaba rich man was standing next to his "slave" in the prayer! See how some Imam's can manipulate and fool us! I mean ok a rich man was lining next to a poor man is a form of equality but what about the "master" and his "slave"?. Or is it something accepted in Islam? I have always thought it is supposedly part of what Islam calls for? Didn't the prophet said there is no difference between an Arab and a foreigner but in faith?
To be frank, this is not the first time I heard it. This particular "holy" story is circulated among Muslim scholars!

Unfortunately, we have became receivers. Our abilities to think and question the authenticity of narratives are impaired. Impaired because we are afraid that we might be stepping over the lines and getting into the territories of the scholars. We are bound to follow what they state, because they are Caliphates of Allah on earth. We will be committing a sin if we dare or even thought of more clarification.

In fact, it happened to a dear friend of mine who hadn't yet learned those rules. He innocently asked his lecturer why would women inherit half that of men? The lecturer furiously asked him out of class. The the dear friend was forced to beg and kneel down then repent his grave sin!